IUI and Hysteroscopy
For women with low sperm counts or motility issues, doctors can use IUI to place washed sperm directly into the uterus during the fertile window. This increases the chances that a single egg will be fertilized.
If you’re considering third-party ART, decide which procedures are emotionally and financially acceptable to you and your partner.
Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows physicians to see inside the uterus. It can help doctors diagnose uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and other conditions that cause infertility. It also can be used to perform certain treatments, such as ablation (using heat, cold, electricity, or radio waves to destroy fibroid tissue). 시험관아기
Before the procedure, your doctor will explain what it will entail and answer any questions you may have. You should tell your doctor about any medicines you take, especially ones that affect blood clotting. You may be given a sedative before the hysteroscopy to help you relax.
The doctor will insert the hysteroscope into your vagina, across your cervix, and into your womb. They will inflate the womb using gas or liquid through the hysteroscope to get a clear view and may take photographs and videos or perform a biopsy. They will then remove the hysteroscope.
Infertility Procedure- Laparoscopy
The surgeon makes a small cut (incision) near the belly button, and inserts a thin tube containing cameras and surgical tools called a laparoscope. A large image is seen on a television screen, and the surgeon can diagnose a problem or carry out a procedure.
In the female reproductive system, a laparoscopy can check for scar tissue around the uterus and fallopian tubes (endometriosis), fibroid tumours, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts or polyps and some types of hysterectomy. It can also help diagnose pelvic pain and some conditions of the bladder and bowel.
The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic. You may need to fast (not eat anything) before the test and you should tell your health care provider what medicines you take, including vitamins and supplements.
Tubal reanastomosis
A woman whose tubes were surgically tied (a tubal ligation) can have the procedure reversed through a surgery called laparoscopic tubal reanastomosis. This procedure rejoins the two segments of the fallopian tube that were surgically joined and gives women the chance to become pregnant again.
During the Tubal reanastomosis, doctors make a small incision under anesthesia and use a camera (laparoscope) to view the inside of the pelvis and abdomen. The surgeon then ties the segments of the fallopian tube together using three equidistant interrupted tension-free sutures. A methylene blue injection at the end of the operation confirms the success of the recanalization. The patient is discharged two days later with the recommendation to use contraception for six months.
Ovarian cystectomy
Large ovarian cysts and cysts that cause symptoms usually require surgery. This may also be necessary if the gynecologist suspects that an ovarian cyst is cancerous or might become cancerous. This operation is usually carried out under general anaesthetic.
Your surgeon will try to drain the cyst using laparoscopy (a minimally invasive procedure that uses small keyhole cuts in your tummy) and instruments inserted through these. However, if the cyst is very large or cancer is suspected your doctor might need to perform an open surgery (laparotomy) using a larger cut in your tummy.
Sometimes a doctor will remove the entire ovary with the cyst (oophorectomy). This can help reduce pain, bloating, and other symptoms but it will also put you through early menopause and affect your fertility.
Infertility Procedure- Egg retrieval
During this procedure, women take fertility medications to stimulate multiple ovarian follicles (fluid-filled sacs that contain eggs). After about two weeks of taking these drugs, ultrasound and blood tests are used to determine when the follicles have matured enough to be retrieved. At this point, a medication called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is administered, and egg retrieval is scheduled. 난임시술
Using an ultrasound-guided needle and under sedation, the healthcare provider inserts the needle into each follicle, through the vagina. The needle is connected to a suction device that pulls the eggs and fluid out of the follicles and into a dish.
The eggs are sent to an IVF laboratory, where they are evaluated for quality and fertilization potential. Frozen sperm may be added at this time, either from donor sperm or the patient’s own semen (ICSI). The eggs are then incubated until they are ready to be transferred.