Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome can be tough to live with. But the good news is that there are many ways to get relief. And more treatment options than ever before.
First, try to manage your symptoms through dietary changes. Experts recommend adding more soluble fiber to your diet (from sources like psyllium, oat bran and beans), which can relieve constipation. It’s also helpful to cut back on foods that produce gas, which can trigger bloating and abdominal pain. This includes carbonated beverages, caffeinated drinks, raw fruits and cruciferous vegetables. You should also avoid rich foods, which can trigger diarrhea.과민성대장증후군전문병원
It’s important to record what you eat so you can identify any food “triggers” that cause IBS flare-ups. Some of the most common are red peppers, green onions, wheat and cow’s milk. Your doctor may suggest trying a low FODMAP diet, an eating plan that cuts down on hard-to-digest carbohydrates such as fructose, sorbitol and lactose. Acupuncture is another option. This ancient Chinese technique involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to balance the flow of the body’s energy or life force, called qi.
If dietary changes aren’t helping, you can try a variety of medications that treat IBS symptoms. Antispasmodics help with bowel spasms, and they’re the first-line treatments for diarrhea and abdominal pain. Your doctor may also prescribe an antidepressant if you have depression or anxiety along with your IBS. And probiotics can help with your digestion.
Sometimes, a doctor will perform an abdominal examination or a rectal exam to rule out other conditions that could be causing your symptoms. If you’re having rectal bleeding, it could be a sign of a tear in your anus or hemorrhoids. If you have unexplained weight loss, it might be a sign of malnutrition or a serious medical condition.
If you’re having severe IBS symptoms that affect your daily life, it’s time to talk to a gastroenterologist. They can diagnose the condition and create a treatment plan to help you feel better. Irritable bowel syndrome doesn’t cause permanent damage to your intestines, but it can interfere with your quality of life and make you miss work and other activities. Treatment can improve your symptoms and help you reclaim your life. So don’t wait. Talk to your doctor today.해우소한의원